Ive had a wedding consultation today for a August wedding.The theme and flowers chosen for it are really good,great to sink my teeth into.The client's daughter, who is two, spent the time with the fabric sample of the dress over her head and singing along to the CBeebies channel which was sweet. Now is the time to do the calculations for the wedding, which is always a headache! Sometimes I wish you could do the consultation and wedding in one day and leave out the paperwork. 

Anyways, like I promised, heres some photos of some stuff I made yesterday.I bought a load of scented stocks, and put them with some single carnations, roses and asparagus fern so it became a informal countryside-style wedding bouquet. Note the antique brooch
on the ribbon- it can give the arrangement a personal effect,especially if the brooch/other jewelry piece has sentimental value to you.

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