Sunday, 27 June 2010
"You've got to pick a pocket or two!!"
Posted by Lexi at 12:17 0 comments
Monday, 21 June 2010
One Hour (and a bit more) Photo
So, clearing out my stuff the other day I came across a old memory card that had been long forgotten in a drawer. As it was loading up, I was thinking what photos could be on it- pictures of the dog, pictures of the ex, random pictures, drunken pictures and pictures no one could explain.
Posted by Lexi at 12:28 0 comments
Wednesday, 16 June 2010
zombie.zombie.zombie.zombie nation.
Currently reading a great zombie book at the moment called Plauge of the Dead by Z.A Recht which has slighty taken over my life at the moment! I do love it when a book does that!
Anyway, it got me thinking- how could I create zombie themed flowers? Ive got fantastic little extras such as mini metal skulls on hoops (orginally for jewelry) which would look great within it. I could start with a lime green Chrysanthemum bloom, they are quite wierd to look at, much like a zombie and maybe add red colours to keep it lively and accessorise with a chainsaw for protection from the darling creatures of course.
If Zombies ever did attack, you'll find me somewhere surrounded by water with a bat to knock their heads off (it is the only way to finish one off you know) and most likely listening to Queen full blast in a appricative nod to Shaun Pegg.
Ill update you if my zombie flower plans awaken (see what I did there? Awaken? No? nevermind.....)
Posted by Lexi at 14:37 0 comments
Tuesday, 15 June 2010
Twice as nice
Posted by Lexi at 10:15 0 comments
Sunday, 13 June 2010
Baby Pickle
Posted by Lexi at 15:03 0 comments
Friday, 11 June 2010
Theres no mistake, I smell that smell, its that time of year again....

Posted by Lexi at 11:03 0 comments
Thursday, 10 June 2010
Do you want the truth or something beautiful?

Posted by Lexi at 14:56 0 comments

Posted by Lexi at 01:57 0 comments
Sunday, 6 June 2010
Are you settled? Then we'll begin......
A few people have asked if I have a website to show off my floristry skills and Ive replied I havent.Website land, to me, is full of gigabytes,megabytes and whateverbytes which really didnt inspire me to create one.
However, watching my very talented sister create a blog to help her along her film production career, I realised how easy it looked and could be constantly updated- perfect for me and my ever- wandering mind and expanding portfolio.
So sit back, relax, fasten your seat belts,its going to be a bumpy ride, but enjoy the forthcoming posts and pictures of my work, may even throw in a few odd ones here and there. Dont forget to leave your comments in the box too.
Posted by Lexi at 15:45 0 comments