Sunday, 24 April 2011

I do I do I do

So, Union Jack flags are popping up, the merch is everywhere and Boots are selling super-shiny glossing hair serum faster than the Pope blesses a crowd- yep its the Wills and Kate Royal wedding!!

With less than a week to go now, the world and its wife (literally) will be tuning into good 'ol London Town to watch the ceremony take place.With estimated viewing figures ranging from 700 million, heres hoping Kate doesnt trip down the aisle in her dress.Because of these figures, worldwide televison networks have gone mad for wedding themed programs,to Big Fat Royal Gypsy Weddings,Come Dine With The Royals to the (now infamous) online viral ad of the Royal Wedding and the cringe-worthy American T.V film "Willam and Kate: a love story."
The BBC have done the best pre-wedding program by far, going behind the scenes to talk to industry workers to helped to make previous royal weddings iconic. They spoke to Diana's official wedding florist, who made a 3ft (yes really!!) white shower bouqet filled with jasmine, lilly of the valley,roses and ivy. Simply stunning.

After seeing this, it got me wondering- what will Kate have? Ive got a feeling she will opt for a handtie arrangement- a shower or teardrop arrangement will swamp her tiny frame and she will want to be seen as cost-aware as possible during this recession. I also think she will opt for white, pastel colours at a push as she will want to impress the 700 million guests and the family shes marrying into (Ive heard the granny rules household). I  also think she will opt for a low-key British designer to boost the British fashion industry or go for Stella McCartney.

Any which way, she will look amazing and she ends up marrying the Prince at the end.No wonder Americans go mad for this stuff.

(Oh,and by the way, Ive got my Royal wedding outfit sorted- its a sexy NHS hospital gown courtsey of Leeds General Infirmary.As Kate is walking down the asile gracefully, I will be trying to be graceful inside a MRI scanner.Afterwards,I'll toast the happy couple with a plastic water cup and Tesco's sandwhich.)

Now, did someone say "wedding buffet?"......


Tuesday, 12 April 2011



So, as promised, the Folksy store is now online! Here's the link:

Ive had a lot of fun playing around with the settings, but being a florist,expect it to change constantly! More things will be added up online soon, but for now, go and have a browse :)

Hope youre all enjoying the sun (and slapping on the SPF like I am!)


Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Buzz Buzz Buzz


So its late,Ive had a long day but I'm SUPER BUZZY right now as Ive just seen the video playback for my floristry teaching! I cant believe how professional I looked/sounded even though my insides were                s-w-i-r-l-i-n-g around as if they had the Golden pass to Alton Towers. Plus, I dont look red-faced in the video which is a major plus for a Casper complexion- type like me (Someone commented I am my own Sun the other day because I am so pale-cheers for that!) Once I am savvy enough to post up the vid (I struggle with photos!) and when Im confident enough for my mug to be on the Tinterweb I will do.Maybe.

So,how was your Mothers Day? Mine was super-busy as usual,and my immune system couldnt hold out for much longer afterwards due to the stress and chaos of it all and gave up on Tuesday,so was perscribed lots of bedrest.All better now though,and was back at the flower market bright and early this morning :)

I took my mum with me this morning and she hasnt been in years, and she loved it.

Anyway, moving on- Ive decided to sell the ORGINAL and BEST sweetie garlands INTERNATIONALLY after getting inquires from someone in Ireland (Hi, by the way :) ) so currently setting up online shops for all you lovely people can buy from. I'll post the link when they are up and running.

Whilst that is being made, dont forget to drop by the Twitter ( or the Facebook (Search "FTPD flowers") for regular musings and pictures.
