I have been just so busy with things recently I have fully neglected the blog to keep you all updated on whats going on. It was only since my Dad mentioned he had a look the other day (which was nice knowing he had a look at it) that I havent posted in a while.
Like I said in the previous post, I have been ill and recently have been travelling around so I have been living on limited internet connection as and when I could get it, plus Ive always had a continual "To Do" list running!!
Anyways, theres lots of exciting things that have happened while Ive been offline. I met some lovely people who have created a new development called Fruit,which is a contemporary space that can be used for markets, meetings, gigs, drama shows or just a place to relax. The same people co-incindentally run my favorite nightclub, so chatting to them was always going to be a pleasant experience! Fruit is having their first market A WEEK TODAY and Ive secured a stall to showcase my talents. Its very exciting and something to look forward to, even when youre finishing off leaflets at 2am to advertise it...Right now Im creating Lavender and Rosemary hearts for sale at just a snip at a fiver each. The hearts are limited to the point where my hands will be permantely crippled from making them, an
d heres a taster pic of them!

The market runs Friday to Sunday, Friday from 4-9pm and Saturday/Sunday 10am-4pm. Come along and have a wander, have a drink,and come and show your support.
Another thing thats coming up is Hull Pride tomorrow. I went last year to hand out flyers and Gerberas, and had such a great time. I managed to nab so much free stuff including almost-almost- a free T.V. The atmosphere is so great whether your gay, straight, bixsexual or unknown and it just shows that the only difference between me and my gay friends is who we choose to love. It doesnt warrant a loss of rights or respect. This year, Im going armed with lots of flyers, and a open mind looking for inspiration- you never know who you might meet.
oooh, Ive just seen on t.v Chelsea Clinton (daughter of ex Prez. Bill Clinton) is getting married this weekend.....and is spending £350,000 smackers on flowers......I dont need many of those contracts do I??